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Top 5 RWA Crypto Altcoins For 2024

Top 5 RWA Crypto Altcoins :

We believe that the next step will be the tokenization of financial assets, the tokenization of real-world assets is about to be massive, and we think it is so important to anticipate the next move that the market, could reach $10 trillion by 2030.

This means that every stock, every bond, will have its own qip, but what are the best pieces of real-world assets in 2024.
Keep in mind that investing in cryptocurrency is risky, I am not a licensed financial advisor, make your own decisions, do your own research, but as a starting point, here are 5 rwa crypto coins to keep on the radar. first coin on our list some of you may recognize it thanks to their long-term partnership, with the UFC vechain.

Vechain :


They are a vechain L1 Thor is a leading public blockchain, enterprise-level L1. The founder and CEO Sunny Lou, during the recent Paris blockchain week this year, explains how they were one of the originals, the visionaries of rwa.

Today, rwa crypto is quite a trending topic, but in fact the first use case ever built on the vechain blockchain, working with one of the biggest luxury brands, happened in Paris 7 years ago, from our rwa roots of token creation products for major luxury brands, to today’s news VebetterDAO, 2 new tokens and airdrop.

VeChain’s moonshot for a massive adoption of sustainability, so for Vain, the answer is Vebetterdao as a new platform, which we just launched a few weeks ago, this is how all companies using vechain can tap into more of their consumers VebetterDao, which uses a dual-token model to incentivize and reward real-world sustainable actions.

This BUILDS on existing corporate partners, from VeChain and as an example of how it works the X-To-Earn model, makes it possible to monetize any type of sustainability effort, for example, a tree planting application could allow users to earn better tokens for each tree planted at the moment, it calms the testet, but just say what a vebetter doll is.

Vebetter is in fact a new type of sustainability ecosystem, to promote several different applications, to digitize user activity on a daily basis, and get rewards immediately and how this affects vechain, you can see the airdrops tap into the vechain community, already dynamic of more than 300,000 members, starting the ecosystem for an influx of sustainability applications, and active users when Vebetter Dao, will switch to the main network by July 2024.

Ondo :


And although ando’s market capitalization is relatively high compared to most other rwa coins, which potentially means less upside, their notable backers are really the reason why ondo, makes so many lists I loved this explanation, what is ondo Finance it is an institutional quality financial platform, which is backed by the founders fund panta capital, and coinbase essentially offering you to earn returns, on US treasuries and the US dollar, on the chain.

They recently made a very big announcement that will solve the liquidity problem of the rwa, that they will introduce something called Global markets, a platform to bring all the securities listed on the stock exchange, on the chain with native access to traditional liquidity, stock exchanges like the (nasdaq/NYES/lse).

This is absolutely huge they are solving one of the biggest problems of rwa, they are also heading to the black Rock fund, which is building the tokenization fund, allocating 95 million OUSG assets and the news today that they continue to grow, usdy exceeds 200 million in tvl for the first time.

This is a symbolic note guaranteed by short-term US Treasury bills, which simply means that people use this coin.

Opulous :

And it’s interesting, because I’m an investor and the OGS may remember me talking about opulous in the fall of 2021.

Opulous is a cryptocurrency I invest in established by ditto music founder Lee Parsons earlier this year, opulous is a blockchain-powered financial support initiative for artists.

The opulous platform also facilitates the launch of opulous music NFTs, which according to the company, is a new form of NFTs, which offers buyers rewards and a share of future song revenue.

So the reason why you should care about the number one opulous, the home of real-world assets for music on the blockchain, tokenized musical assets to give power back to individuals musicians, as their founder explains, major labels earn tens of millions every hour simply by streaming, this is one of the most lucrative moments in the history of music.

But we have a music industry that is you know making most of its money from streaming, which is built on the same rules and the same structure from the 1930s, when it was created, nothing has really changed on this side to help the artists of opulous, we think that if you create an asset or a work of art, you should own this art.

So that’s the number one reason, why you should care that they solve real world problems.

But the number two opulous, was founded by the founder of ditto music, ditto music is an online music distribution company that has a major reach and connections in the space, in fact they have worked with major artists, Ed Sheeran, and Sam Smith, also Chance the Rapper and many others.

More success in the UK Top 40 and around the world.
A new preview of opulous AI showing how you can enter any artist, or song, for transparent predictions and advances, on music revenues, so just a new level of transparency for the music industry via predictable data.

And also if you like Disney free mfts mus music fungible token airdrop earnings iconic hits, from Disney earn music featured in Disney TV shows like Hannah Montana, and it’s a Crow and movies such as Bridge to Terabithia.

Holding an opulous token is the key to eligibility, so in the very lucrative world of copyright, on music where even Black Rock, has just launched a fund for the purchase of music.
Opulous democratizes all this, which makes it a piece to watch, for the rwa narrative.

OriginTrail :


And although they may have been known originally, to also ensure the transparency of the supply chain or verify the truth about the supply chain, they have expanded it and they are feeding.

Now a verifiable Internet meaning, checking what is true on the Internet, now fake news is one of those pathologies that raises the question of what is true, how do you know what is false and what is not false, the intuition is that a mixture of connectivity, and distributed knowledge graphs, and blockchains, and converge, and this is an important convergence and in particular it will help us solve one of the biggest problems we have nowadays.

The truth and that’s where the dkg comes in so the DKG, is a decentralized knowledge graph and original tracks DKG is an evolutionary tool, to find the truth in knowledge in the known sense, they aim to be the trusted knowledge infrastructure, as explained by one of their founders.

Now, you know that these centralized knowledge graphs, currently used by Google, the largest companies are of course intended to appropriate the data, and the problem is always that by using, Knowledge Graph, as a centralized database, you still cannot prove, that you know if these data are intact or not.

We still rely on the blockchain and we decided to merge the two technologies. So we superimposed the knowledge graph, first theoretically on blockchain and we designed a so-called decentralized knowledge graph.

So, like opulous, they correspond very well to two narratives at the same time, artificial intelligence and RWAs, this is the transparent future that is emerging today, you can go to retail stores in Europe to scan a healing code, essentially on a piece of meat chicken beef, and see and discuss essentially with the meat, using an AI interface via origin tril.

But in fact not generating a response by the AI, instead querying the decentralized launch graph, you get all the information from the entire supply chain for this product.

Propy :


They are the leader of the rwa crypto, in real estate an escrow under American license, on smart contracts.

I loved the conversation I had with their founder a few weeks ago, but I actually thought it was a really insightful question from the pump about the legal implications, and why real estate on the blockchain, but there’s like a legal side to it almost like a regulatory side.

There is obviously, where are the title stores the local county maybe even the state, they all want to understand who owns what property when does he transfer, how much can we tax how do you think about technological innovation.

But then also having to play in some of these outdated systems, or to interface with, whether it’s the county or the state.

Conclusion :

Blockchain technology is the best technology to track, and record, all these transactions today, counties record a very small amount of information, about transactions, which is essentially a scanned document of a property title.

And rather with the innovation and the immutable records of the blockchain, we will be able to have the complete transaction data on the blockchain, they could be encrypted for the consumer, but the government will have the best ability to tax, as well as track all transactions and that’s when we will have a complete set of data, and the historical data on the chain.

So obviously, this industry is a title insurance that represents $ 25 billion again, every year that consumers pay it would be obsolete.

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us


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