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Top 5 Crypto Apps That Could Make You RICH / Best Crypto Tools 2024 :

Top 5 Crypto Apps :

Are you trying to find that extra edge to outperform the masses in the cryptocurrency space?

Investors use many secrets, but one of them is not a big secret. Just use the right apps to give you that extra edge.
Today I’m going to show you five other great crypto apps that I use to help me get ahead. So keep looking to find out what you need to start using to improve your game.

Let me tell you that this is not about financial advice and that I am not a financial advisor, this is just my strategy.
Is not intended for British consumers because British regulations prevent me from talking to you about cryptocurrencies.Only invest if you are willing to lose all the money you have invested.

Cryptocurrencies are a high-risk investment and are largely unregulated.

It is unlikely that you will be protected if something goes wrong. If you are not in the UK, let’s get started.
What if I told you that there is an application in the cryptocurrency space that can do so many heavy things that it makes most of the tools out there seem like child’s play? Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

There is a tool that I turn to for everything related to cryptocurrency research, it gives you statistics, comparisons, token unlocks, hack warnings and raises.

The list is really too long for me to keep posting features.

Defi Lama :


This is a powerful cryptocurrency application that stands out from the rest. Most people use it to get a quick and easy understanding of the network status.

You can get all the classic statistics in one place, TVL, price change, number of protocols, their channel classification, volume and even the fees generated.

This is the information that will give you the advantage you need in the cryptocurrency space, all at a glance and in one place, And this is just the surface of the tool, defi Llama is constantly developing its offer and introducing new features.

For example, but not limited to. The unlock page is great because it gives you upcoming information about token unlocks for a project.

All amounts and time are free of charge. This allows you to make informed decisions about projects that most people don’t care to know about. This gives you an advantage, and this is only in the initial table view.

Let’s click on Arbitrum, you can get an excellent visualization of the unlock schedule.

But don’t let these things overwhelm you, This tool provides the information you need in an easy-to-understand format.
I strongly recommend that you explore the tool and click on each area at your convenience. Whether you are looking to research a new project or to better understand an existing project, Defi Llama will be able to help you.

Perhaps you are new to cryptocurrencies and would like to understand which type of CEX to choose.

You can go to the Transparency section of the CEXs and see their inputs, outputs and even their own assets, which basically means how many CEXs themselves have to support financially. The elevator section shows you what cryptocurrency venture capitalists invest in, how many projects they invest in, the average amount invested and much more.

So, whether you are new to crypto or OG, Defi Llama is probably the best crypto app to use on a daily basis.

Then we have an app that gives you access to information that you probably can’t get anywhere else.

This product is still relatively under the radar, so I think it’s a gem to look at.

Chain Edge :


Is a data terminal that gives you access to research and trading data. If this is an area that interests you, then it’s a no-brainer to check it out.
They have exclusive searches that you can access as well as huge amounts of data and customization on all Solana EVM threads.

You can follow the chain wallets to find the best performing wallets in the cryptocurrency market.

They have a lot of tags to help you decide what you want to track. Want to follow Gem Watcher? you can do it, Maybe you want to follow excellent portfolios to quickly spot the right projects, This application allows you to do just that.

There have been so many people in the cryptocurrency space that you can learn from what others are doing. When you combine this with research on the Alpha community, you have a really powerful application.

Communities like these often help you get into the space, find other cryptocurrency enthusiasts and work together, on-chain data is something that more and more applications are starting to take advantage of.

There is a huge potential for collecting information here, and the Edge series is just the tip of the iceberg. With the information that the data on the channel can provide.

Travala :


Now, Boss of the Day is also an application, but this application allows you to travel and enjoy the world, booking hotels, flights or even activities with Web2 companies is a good thing.

You can do it if you want, but Travala is a Web3 company and will offer you the same or better prices during your holidays.

They have a range of rewards programs as well as a price match guarantee, so there’s not much point in using the Web2 platform to book things anymore.

Once you use Travala, you can also qualify for Airdrop with their partners, and you will get cash back on bookings.
You are also supporting the Web3 ecosystem with Travala, be the change you want to see, guys. Its layout is the same as that of any standard booking site, so there is no strange user interface that you have to get used to.

They give you the choice of how to pay for your vacation. You can pay with your usual fiat currency like your credit card, or you can pay with cryptocurrencies from their wallet or a central exchange. The point here is that you have options.

People in the cryptocurrency space want to be able to choose and have several options at their disposal, traveling, it gives you that when it comes to your holidays. Pretty useful if you ask me.

Token Unlock :


This application is indispensable if you want to stay up to date with the latest useful information.
Knowing how to approach the markets is crucial if you want to make the most of this uptrend.

It’s free with the option of paying for the Pro version, but you definitely don’t need the Pro version to be useful.

Token Unlock offers you everything you need to unlock a token. We all know how many cryptocurrencies exist today. This is an insane amount, so it is difficult to understand the respect for rights and emission schedules.

Fortunately, this application does all the heavy lifting for you. The free version allows you to see which tokens will be tokenized over the next seven days.

You can see more in the future with the Pro version. But as I said before, I don’t think it’s necessary to use them all. But the option is still there, they have a standard calendar on their site where you can scroll down and see which projects will unlock the next tokens, It looks like the design of CoinMarketCap.

There is the market value, the price variations and the offer in circulation. They also have a watchlist function that you can use. So it’s a familiar layout that helps to keep everything easy to understand.

You can filter according to the types of projects, or even consult the projects launched on Dao Maker and Impossible Finance. you can click on the project and it gives you more information.

Let’s take a closer look at MANTA as we approach the unlocking process. You can see that they have a high-level analysis of the project and its emissions.

On the left side you can get a useful table that shows how much money is actually earned.
And, you can also see the amount earned from each part of the symbolic savings. I cannot stress enough how useful this information is.

A tool like this goes a long way in making your life easier.
If you want to pay for the Pro version, you have another great tool called Allocation Screener.

This allows you to compare projects and their symbolism. You know how difficult it is to define a good Tokenomics model, With the personalization screen, it makes your life much easier.

So take a look at the application and stop doing so many big jobs with Tokenomics.

Token Metrics :


And last but not least, an application that has been around for some time and that uses AI. I use it every week for research, and it really helps simplify the information I need to make a decision.

Token Metrics is an AI-based analysis tool that helps you understand the cryptocurrency market.
They give you detailed analyses on cryptocurrency projects using their rating technology, giving you an advantage over projects that are good.

But it’s not just an app that you can scroll through yourself, they also offer webinars on the cryptocurrency market as well as research reports that you can access.
This is a huge time saver, and the token metrics can basically serve as a personal assistant.

Cryptocurrencies are my full-time job, and I find it difficult to find the time to do in-depth research, with token metrics, they do all the hard work for you.

Combine this with their analytics platform and you have a great app that will save you time and money and generate powerful insights in the process.

There is a free plan and some paid plans, so you can try it without risking your own money.

Conclusion :

Apps like this can make your life a lot easier. So I think it’s always worth having them tested yourself. This way you can make an informed decision, and as a bonus, we have the DeFi llama making a comeback.

But not with the main application. No, this is their extension, which you can add to your browser. I use it as an anti-phishing tool. We know that cryptocurrencies have a lot of pits that they can fall into.

There are a lot of scams out there. It is therefore extremely important to stay safe. This extension greatly helps to achieve this for you. It works for dubious sites. The icon will turn red if you visit a suspicious site.

But if you live on Twitter, this next feature is the one you will use the most.

The Defi Llama extension will also flag tweets that may be a scam. It’s a game changer. There are a lot of questionable tweets out there. For example, there were deepfakes of me on Twitter.

The extension will make these suspicious tweets red so that you do not fall victim to any scams. It’s something I use every day and it saves money. But here’s the thing, guys. Some of the best crypto apps I’ve used during this bull run.

Applications can do a lot of work for you. So save time, money and energy by using them efficiently. It will make a difference in your crypto life.

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us


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