Amazon FireTV is a powerful streaming media player that serves as a bridge between the Internet and your television. This device allows users to stream a wide variety of...
Enigma2 is an open-source software that operates on Linux-based systems and is primarily used in set-top boxes. It is designed to offer a powerful, customizable experience for users, allowing...
OTT TV stands for Over-The-Top TV, a term that refers to multimedia content delivered over the internet without the need for traditional cable or satellite TV subscriptions. OTT content...
Media streaming has evolved significantly since its inception in the 1990s. Back then, internet speeds were slow, and users connected to the internet through dial-up connections. This limited the...
Catch-up in IPTV is a feature that allows users to watch previously aired TV programs or events on-demand. Essentially, it’s a form of Video On Demand (VOD), where the...
Plex is a popular media server platform that enables users to stream their multimedia content—such as movies, TV shows, music, and photos—on various devices like Smart TVs, smartphones, tablets,...
Apple TV is a versatile and powerful media streaming device developed by Apple Inc. It allows users to stream various media content, including movies, TV shows, music, and live...
STB, or Set-Top Box, is a hardware device that decodes and converts input signals into a format that can be displayed on a TV screen or other compatible devices....
An Electronic Program Guide (EPG) is a digital feature used with most modern IPTV devices and digital televisions to provide a catalog of current and upcoming programs for each...
PICON stands for Personal Icon File, a feature widely used in IPTV systems and satellite receivers. It is essentially a small image or logo representing a channel. These icons...