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What 7,500 Brett Coins Will Be Worth In 2025

Brett Coins :


We are going to discuss exactly what I think Brett the meme coin will be worth in 2025, in particular 7,500 tokens and you might wonder why am I choosing this arbitrary number, you are about to find out.

First of all, let’s jump into the patreon, just in the last 48 hours we have called an incredible leveraged exchange, but most importantly, we have a meme coin that has made between 10 and 100x, depending on where you entered.

Brett basically, this is one of the biggest meme coins in the space right now, I know there are a lot of you who really like this coin, so I want to discuss it, I want to talk about meme coins when the market is very bullish, but also when the market is experiencing a downturn, I believe this is the best possible opportunity, because right now the altcoin market for meme coins is a little dead.

I know we had big gains in stuff like salana, but really everything else from altcoins to meme coins, was left out by Bitcoin which is making nice moves, but we have to be careful when the rest of the market is bored, when the average retail investor is Bor.

So I want to discuss a meme coin, which will probably be one of the most important, in the next stage of this bull run if we get it of course, I don’t know if this bull run will continue, I hope it is that I put my money, my investments with my portfolio in this space, and you are invited to do what you want to do.

Looking at BR right now, we can see that the market capitalization is 13 billion as I said, we are going to discuss $7,500 Bret tokens, and it is worth $1,000 today, so $1,000 brings you $7,500 in Bret tokens.

Now, this may seem a little crappy because if you put $1,000, in something like shib, even today, you would get a lot more chips than you would get six 60 million chips, if you put it in the ship, if you put it in Pepe, you would get a lot more likely, than you would get 1 two three.

You would get 86 million tokens, but one thing if you are new to the space, and I know you are veterans there, you know that, but if you are new to the space, the amount of tokens you get for the price, it doesn’t matter what matters is the market capitalization.

The market cap, is the most important thing in this space, a price that is cheap, helps new retail investors to buy it, but it really doesn’t mean anything, I still want to look at the market cap, so like I said.

Brett’s market capitalization at the moment is about $ 1.3 billion, we can see that on the 1335 billion chart, that said, we have other players in the space like Doge Pepe, and shib, which are excellent opportunities to look at, and compared to because if we move on to the best meme coins, by token symbolic market capitalization.

We have Doge shib and pepe sitting at the very top, we have brace H, brace Brett sitting, Brett is currently the seventh largest meme piece, in the world, but are Sheba and pepe all dominating, right now with that said :

Dogecoin and shib were the dominant players in the last Pepe ball race, happened in the small resurgence, which we had between the last ball race, and this ball race in 2019, we had what was called the defi summer.

That’s where people were making money this time, we didn’t have a summer challenge, we had a particular meme season, a meme season Pepe actually hit a price in this Meme season, on the original April 23, he hit a price of 1.48 billion, that’s higher than Brett right now and the market is definitely more bullish.

Pepe recently peaked at around $7 billion, so there are some big moves that could happen for Brett.

If Brett captures the same excitement and the same eyeballs as Dogecoin, Shiba and pepe, right behind there is a dog with a layered and laminated hat, they are of course great actors in space, but Brett is indeed one of these guys and of course, he is related to Pepe with all the Matt Fury drawings and all that.

So if you believe Matt Fury’s account of the bass, I think the bass is also a big player, a huge thing because it is the layer for coinbase remember that during the last bull run, we had BNB.

The BNB chain, the binance smart chain, where we had tons of projects being built, I used to call them hype coins, that was when I was too good for meme coins, but I’m going to focus on the hyp coins.

We made a ton of money, but we left a ton of money on the table, because we ignored the meme coins instead of binance, and from the binance smart chain, we have coinbase.

Now, I know some of you really like the numbers, so we’re going to discuss it, but the reason I also chose 2025 as opposed to 2024 or 2026, is that the expectation is that the top of the market will come, so the reason people think it’s because the harvest cycles are correct 560 days, after the Harvest is winter 2025.

This is where we will probably see the peak for Bitcoin, and at that time and around that time we could also see the peak for altcoins.

Now altcoins and meme coins, they are moving differently than bitcoin, so it can be significantly earlier, at exactly the same time or significantly after, but the bull market is dictated by Bitcoin, and I’m sorry to say but the same thing will happen again, when Bitcoin becomes really bullish, Bitcoin is a bit behind in my opinion.

When Bitcoin breaks the old absolute record of 73,74,000, that’s when retail will start talking about it, retail will return to the space when retail enters the space, they sign up for coinbase, they see that coinbase has its own chain what is the predominant coin, based on coins it is Brett.

But all this happens when Bitcoin reaches new all-time highs, and starts making headlines again, that’s exactly what we want to be, you’re looking for and if you don’t agree with that, too bad that’s what I think is going to happen, that’s exactly what I think is derivative, that’s why I’m talking about 2025 and 560 days from the harvest cycle.

I think Bitcoin will reach its peak, the altcoin season index, the last time we had an altcoin season August 2022 and before that it was around May June July 21, okay guys May June July 21, this is May the initial peak of the Bitcoin market, this is exactly where we had a massive altcoin season.

The altcoin season actually continued throughout Bitcoin’s decline, it obviously saw some blood, but as Bitcoin started to resurface, we saw some incredible gains, that’s where we saw the most gains, so in and around Bitcoin’s highs, you can see between really 59k and 69k, Bitcoin’s highs also the altcoin season, that’s what we want to monitor.

Let’s talk about some numbers, as we have already said, the market capitalization in billions for Brett 1.3 billion 7,500 tokens, today is $ 1,000, so let’s take a look at our first comparable altcoin, because it is Pepe as we said pepe had his little Pepe meme season, is the third largest meme coin in space, where it is connected to Brett and right now it has a market capitalization of $ 7.3 billion, it has 5 3x from where Brett is sitting.

Today at the place where he was at his all-time high, so not where Pepe is sitting now, but at his all-time high, 7,500 chips would be $5,600.

So if in the balloon, the resurgence of the next season of the altseason meme, Brett has reached Pepe’s market capitalization, we will see five $5,000$5,600 for 77,500 tokens, which is a 5-fold increase compared to what we said today, which is really good.

I think that’s a good amount, now, if we look at another coin, that’s the way I think it’s the most realistic thing to compare, there are a lot of YouTubes out there, there are a lot of tweets, there are a lot of all that, it’s just pure speculation and don’t get me wrong, it’s still pure speculation.

But we base it on history, we base it on what happened in the past, so it’s possible that meme coin Co has done it in the past, the market has done it in the past, so why if we just choose a few options Brett, shouldn’t be the only meme coin in your wallet by an effort of imagination.

You have to choose a few even pieces and you will hopefully choose the right ones and if one of them makes a Pepe a ship or the other piece, we’re going to talk about it could be absolutely upsetting no guarantees, but it’s a realistic idea and the potential for it to happen.

So shibs absolute record market capitalization of $44.3 billion, right now an increase from where Brett is today of 34x to 34x of $7,500 in tokens, if you bought today of $1,000 would be a value of $34,000,from $1,000 purchase, and if you have been watching my channel for a while, or you are again, what I like to do is that I dollar average cost if I had $1,000 to invest today and I wanted to buy a couple of projects that I wouldn’t be fair to buy them all one day.

Because we can, as I showed you with the Bitcoin chart, we can have more pullback, if we have more pullback, altcoins will still fall more, I know they are bleeding a lot, but they will probably still fall more and that could give you another opportunity, so the dollar cost average in your position is what I am still doing.

I’m not telling you what to do, you have to make your own financial decisions now, with that said 34,000 out of 1,000, that’s amazing.

Now, our last project that we want to look at is of course, to do this is the great space actor and he’s done his best in the last bullet right now.

He has a $75 billion market sorry, not right now in the last bullet, he had a $75 billion market, which would be an increase from where Brett is today of 57x, which would in turn be your $1,000 in $57.6 N2.

So if you today accumulated $7,500 Bret tokens that it might be interesting to 57.6 92 that is going to happen, I don’t know, but is it possible to 100% it is possible crazier, things have passed people have bought things like Dogecoin, much earlier than $1 billion in market capitalization shib, much earlier than $1 billion in market capitalization Brett, which much earlier than even where it is today.

Conclusion :

But if this happens, it could be absolutely incredible, I speculate on this Market, I invest in crypto cury with my own money, but I understand that the money can at any time go to zero.

I always advocate taking profits when you see them, and investing only money that you can afford to lose, especially in meme coins because meme coins are very risky.

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