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How I Would Start in Crypto (if I Started in 2024)

How I Would Start in Crypto :


The middle of 2024 is the right time to launch into the cryptocurrency markets, the answer in my opinion is yes, but the best way to get involved will not be the same as if you started in 2020 or 2016, or even if you were at the bottom of the naked market in 2022, or at any other time in the past.

Today I am going to explain exactly how I would approach crypto, a basic point to start crypto movements, in four-year cycles, based on Bitcoin having wider liquidity cycles, for example 2017 bull market explosion, top 2018 huge crash huge bar market 2019.

The recovery begins 2020 beginning of the bull market, 2021 we are back baby until we are not in 2022, the peak of the bull market explosion is coming good, which many people say we didn’t actually have, a full peak in 2021.

But this is for a different conversation, I think we were all hoping to reach 100K, you know things happen, there were huge plays that you made of course, on a lot of coins in 2021.

NFTs are springing up from the cross of the plateau, it’s a very exciting time, when people have made a lot of money, but where does that put us.

Now after the bull market of 2021, we had the crash of 2022, then the recovery process of 2023 and here we are in 2024, and it seems that we have gone through the first big phase of the bull market, which means that we are in what feels like an interlude, a little intermission in the market at the moment.

But we should approach exciting things in the second half of 2024 and until 2025, the full-fledged subsequent phase of the bull market, when everything overheats and goes absolutely crazy, so the last months, and probably the next few months probably represent the last best chance, to buy crypto on these markets as a rule.

2025 will probably be a terrible year to buy crypto, but it will be a great year to sell crypto well, it is impossible to know exactly when the peak will arrive, or what will happen in the markets, all kinds of crazy things can happen, we could see a peak coming as early as March 2025, and as late as December 2025, based on popular models.

Now, back to the topic of which you have to understand that each cycle is different, historical rhymes and cryptographic changes all the time, but you have to understand for example this time, Bitcoin experienced an early acceleration thanks to the launch of Bitcoin spot ETFs, which brought us to a new Bitcoin reached an all-time high, before having something that has never happened before.

For a while we kind of got ahead of ourselves in the cycle, so we have to stay flexible, nothing ever repeats, and the other thing to think about is the catalysts, can we identify exactly why a bull market should happen.

That is, what will actually make people go out and spend their money, to speculate on the cryptocurrency markets in this regard, we have to talk about the catalysts of this cycle, so of course we have to talk about ETFs first.

So the Bitcoin and ethereum ETFs are here, we might even have salana ETFs coming later, year or early next year, other altcoin ETFs will follow the baby boomers, can now get crypto exposure, via traditional products, and crypto is legitimized as a major asset class by Larry Frink of Black Rock.

Other institutions can buy, and they buy through ETF products, but we also have early adopters of corporate strategy like Tesla micro strategy, they have Bitcoin holdings, and they are holding a lot of coins this year.

We have other companies joining a similar scientific meta Planet booya, these companies buy hundreds of millions of dollars, with a Bitcoin.

Next, let’s talk about the economic cycle because guess what crypto pumps on liquidity? in the system, More money, More risk on attitudes, and we are due for more money right now.

Liquidity is increasing globally in fact, the Chinese central bank is already making moves, we will probably cut interest rates very soon, which creates a lot of wind in sales, for the markets we also have the possibility of a new favorable president, to crypto in the United States.

I know that American politics, Stranger than fiction, sometimes looks like the Twilight zone, in which we could live in a simulation, other catalysts can come from the emergence of of course new crypto narratives, this means stories that people cling to and start believing, and start investing to lead to speculation and bullish price action and of course, the number is increasing technology is the number one advertiser, for crypto and everything that might not last forever.

But if you can identify these trends early enough, you can trace them back, so what are the big narratives for this year, where are the areas where I would spend my time and money, if I started in crypto in 2024, this is the most important section.

I would be careful if I was new to cryptocurrency and when I say careful, I mean go out and learn, don’t just blindly sing the Bri guys, okay, be hungry for knowledge, take an advantage because the market is full of lazy people, who constantly lose because they don’t work okay.

You have to do your own research, you have to build your own thesis, you have to build your own conviction, you have to do your own studies.

Most people don’t lose most people nine, and 10 investors probably lose in this market maybe eight and 10.

I don’t know but the odds are against you, because most people are lazy, most people want an influencer someone to tell them what to buy it’s not that simple, okay, first you have to go out and put the work in place and, obviously, no conversation around crypto is possible, without the main Bitcoin as a reserve of value protection against the monetary basement.

And besides this one is for real Bitcoin is doing that, and more and more investors are coming to the idea that the currency in the basement is a real thing, and that they should have more Bitcoin in their wallet, to have a balanced wallet, don’t expect huge returns from BTC, this late in the cycle, maybe you get a 3X on it from here, but that’s pretty much it following ethereum the decentralized application platform it is not new for 2024.

But ethereum has not disappeared and what is different now, of course, are the stories that are sold to you by Black Rock, for the spot ETFs launch their tokenization of everything, this is particularly relevant, but the big story for ethereum, is not actually ethereum per se in my opinion.

But the broader ethereum ecosystem, especially the booming Layer 2 ecosystem, and especially the coinbase base chain, this has become one of the strongest, and most high-profile ecosystem coins, as Aerodrome and Brett killed it in 2024 and do not expect other coinbase, the core ecosystem coins are doing very well.

So pay attention, next we have to talk about salana actually beating eth the cycle, whether it is totally accurate or not, of course, up for debate, but the numbers don’t lie, he has been exceptional this cycle so far, his ecosystem is booming, and there is no reason to think that it won’t continue.

Salana herself will probably continue to show her strength as well as ecosystem games, such as Because I also have complete information about the portfolio in the description or the tweet, pinned to X you will also find a risk statement there.

Because if you are new to crypto, you must understand that investing in crypto is risky, you can lose all your money like that okay, so be careful, read the risk statement, take it seriously.

Then we have to talk about meme coins, talking about the risks, the meme coin super cycle has absolutely exploded this year, which has led to speculation, about this Meme coin super cycle that is playing out.

Finally now this sentence probably, just a bunch of buzzwords, but from a business point of view, all we need to know is that some coins may even go up in value, but also the vast majority will go to zero, usually in a day or two, understand the risks involved also you don’t need to find the next coin, at a market capitalization of $ 10,000.

To make it big, a lot of money can still be made by arriving late to the party, once it has been proven that the developers are not going to prove it, that the community is here to stay that it is actually a kind of cultural atmosphere.

The gains will not be as large, but the risks will also be lower at this stage, accordingly.

Now, let’s talk about artificial intelligence now, this one is quite simple if there is hype around AI, AI-oriented coins should in theory pump, in fact, they already did it at the beginning of this year, and there is a lot of potential for more, among these big pumps to come from AI coins, in the right market conditions.

This could be comparable to the hype of the metaverse in 2021, everyone was talking about metaverse, and you guess that the metaverse tokens, have increased massively, there will probably also be a big bubble in AI coins, but that’s for later, that we have to worry about at the current moment.

Many AI coins are down quite sharply, from their highs, but I still think there is great potential for a lot of these coins to turn around, ok for the next game.

So the development of the web 3 game, is a very active sector with chains dedicated to the game, like Ronin or beam, we have traditional studios like Ubisoft and Square Enix developing, titles integrated into the blockchain.

There is a lot of potential, for game chains and specific games to massively outperform in the market, the only problem here is too many games not enough players, too many promises not enough delivery, so who are the big winners remains to be seen the game, has not had a massive hype.

This cycle certainly not the hype of the 2021 cycle, but a single game in small groups, can change all that very quickly.

Personally, I’m pretty deep into the game, I like it, I think it’s a normal idea that’s easy to understand, in the same way as Meme.

There are people like coins meme, because, oh I like the frog or the image of the dog understand complicated ideas, like ccip chain link technology, not as simple game about the same idea, oh I like this game I like the graphics, I like playing this game.

So I’m going to buy the token, that’s my opinion on the matter anyway, if you want something a little more cheesy, although real world assets or RWA, okay RWA on the blockchain keep in mind Black Rock freaking.

Black Rock the largest company in the world, they have launched a tokenized treasury fund, called Biddle Larry Fink, the CEO of Black Rock wants to put all the securities all the assets of the chain.

There are reports that coinbase is also planning a tokenized money market fund, trillions are likely to arrive on the market, and RWA tokens something to watch out for, and obviously the rabbit hole, goes much further, there are NFTs, there are decentralized physical infrastructure networks, or deepin there are Bitcoin tokens, there is an avalanche ecosystem competing layer chains, a def5 Blue Chips.

The telegram open network ecosystem, booming with such popular mini-games, cardano still exists, but again, you don’t have to be everywhere to try to do everything.

In fact trying to do too much, you will probably underperform the wider market, you will not master anything too many things to follow, to focus better, and focus on the strongest narratives.

When you start, if you can be the guy who goes deep on bitcoin, and deep on salana, and you know these ecosystems, then you’re probably going to outperform the guy who’s trying to catch 20 stories, and every new hot thing as it hits the market.

Ok, these are the strong narratives in my opinion, but also if I started in crypto now, I would listen to the following warning don’t believe the hype, that some narratives are real to protect wealth yes Bitcoin in the long term, I am on board this ethereum and salana train, a cool technology that does great things.

Blockchains can have a real use, in the AI sectors, the gaming sectors black rock is actually interested in tokenization, real-world assets on the chain and they will probably do it, to a spectacular degree, but a complete crypto bull run.

People are going crazy, they are losing their minds and the hype will be uncontrollable, You will be Your Worst enemy at that moment in 2021 the rallying cry, and the subsequent best signals, we will make it happen.

The market is already beyond the foam, you must have already reversed your mindset, and become hyper focused on protecting your gains.

You need to set realistic goals for yourself, while taking into account your own tolerance.

When you buy, you should already be thinking about your exit, which largely comes down to risk tolerance, of course, if you are very risk averse, crypto may not be for you at all sorry.

But this is true if you are risk averse, but still want to get involved in crypto, then maybe just have Bitcoin ETFs, and ethereum and don’t worry about the rest of them all.

Conclusion :

Crypto can offer much better returns than any other type of investment class, that’s why some people come to it, and you can also think ahead in Cycles, plan ahead in multi-e, because most people want to get rich, overnight if you can plan ahead 5 to 10 years, you’re going to be ahead.

Which also means that you must always be ahead of the curve, on profits as prices rise, make sure you have exit strategies planned, and you must stay on top of where we are in the current cycle.

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us

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